Blue Bay 2022 nesting and Hatching recap

Blue bay news

During the nesting season in 2022, a female Hawksbill turtle visited the coastline of bluebay to lay her eggs. During this process one of our volunteers spotted the female turtle as she was making an attempt to dig a nest. Thanks to the recorded data of the previous year, it was possible to estimate where and approximately when she would make her attempts. 

This particular turtle had a disadvantage.. She was missing a back flipper. It would be very difficult for her to lay her eggs and probably it would lead to failed attempts and ultimately no nests. Thanks to the dedication of our volunteers and our field coordinator, we succeeded to help the turtle dig her nest till she was satisfied to release her eggs. These eggs have been relocated to a better location in the same bay and now we have 5 nests to look forward to. These are achievements to celebrate. Thank you! to everyone involved in making this happen.

Click on link below for a youtube video of this magical evening

Hatching at Blue bay